


Assuming that you are giving DTIFit and BEDPOST the same data and bvecs you
will get the same result for both programs.  You can verify the gradient
directions in the BEDPOST by loading the dyadic vectors (or similarly named
file) the same way as V1 and mean_fsamples the same as FA.



-----Original Message-----
From: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf
Of Ruth Carper
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 7:55 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [FSL] mismatch between DTIFit and BEDPOST results


weeell, It's clear I've got some sort of issue with getting my directions
right.  I've got the right vectors, but I wasn't sure about the signs.  So I
tried about every permutation of negating x,y, and/or z in my bvecs file and
running it through DTIFit.  Looking at the primary eigenvectors resulting
from each permutation made it pretty obvious which was the right one....
there was only one result that gave V1 line segments (in FSL_View) that
matched the corpus callosum anatomy in all directions.  However, when I ran
those exact same data and bvecs through BEDPOST, it was as if it was using a
bvecs file where x had been negated (x*-1). Even if I do have an error in my
bvecs file, shouldn't I get the same erroneous result from both programs? 
I'll rerun BEDPOST tonite to be sure it replicates, but I already double
checked all my command lines. 
