

> one of our students here has got a NOESY spectrum in which the aromatic
> groups are folded. I have shown him how to unalias the peaks so as to
> get the correct shifts etc. But it still leaves him with negative peak
> intensities and volumes which when exported to Cyana cause problems. I'm
> not sure where this issue is best addressed - the easiest thing would
> perhaps be if the Format Converter had an option 'force peak
> heights/volumes positive' when exporting peaks lists. Alternatively
> there could be a button in Analysis in say the Edit Peaks or Edit Peak
> Lists pop-up which was either on 'original intensities/volumes' or could
> be switched to 'all positive intensities/volumes' - it depends really on
> whether having negative NOESY peaks could cause problems within Analysis
> or whether it is only when exporting them and using them in other
> programmes that you run into trouble.

Hi Vicky,

Quick fix from the command line:


from ccpnmr.analysis.ExperimentBasic import getNoesyPeakLists
peakLists = getNoesyPeakLists(top.project)
for peakList in peakLists:
  for peak in peakList.peaks:
    for intensity in peak.peakIntensities:
      intensity.value = abs(intensity.value)


Negative NOESY/ROESY peaks ought not cause any problem in Analysis. - The
absolute value is used to make distance constraints for example. But if
there's no export solution I could put something more permenant into


 Dr Tim Stevens			Email: [log in to unmask]
 Department of Biochemistry            [log in to unmask]
 University of Cambridge        Phone: +44 1223 766018 (office)
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 United Kingdom
------ +NH3CH(CH(CH3)OH)C(O)NHCH(CH(CH3)CH2CH3)C(O)NHCH(CH2CH2SCH3)CO2- -------