


I'm using the Anatomy toolbox version 1.5 with SPM5.

When I use the "Overlap between structure and function" option to overlay
VBM results in the "original" MNI space I put "no" when it asks me if the
origin is corrected to AC. The location of my results seems to be fine. Is
it the correct procedure?
When I use "Visualisation and statistics of cytoarchitectonic probabilistic
maps" option to display my mean GM images with the cytoarchiteconic maps I
do the same thing but basically if i put yes or no I have the same wrong
display (4 mm on y and 5 mm on z off) between the two images. I suppose the
AC correction does not work with the visualization option.

Last question, What is the purpose of the wgrey.img and wwhite.img in the
toolbox folder because they don't have the good orientation (left-right)?

