

On the practical matter of library acquisitions, it might also be worth thinking about online materials.  The new Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, for instance, has a substantial article on Elizabeth I by Patrick Collinson (and an extensive bibliography covering all the biographies mentioned on this list).  This doesn't really substitute for the books, but it's useful nonetheless, and for much more than Elizabeth.  On the other hand, I have no idea what a library subscription costs.

Other (free) online materials are up and down, to say the list, but Anniina Jokinen's Luminarium site has a variety of biographical materials culled from older encyclopedias, other websites, and various authors.
Again, this is hardly the same as reading the standard recent (or even older) biographies, but it might still be useful for undergraduates or for some kind of comparative historiographical study.

I got hooked browsing this topic, so here are some other online materials:
Alexandra Briscoe (producer for Simon Schama's series) has a long article with various sub-headings on the BBC's history site.

Alan Liu's Voice of the Shuttle ( has, no surprise, loads of links, some of which seems potentially very useful.
This is a collection of links to online texts of documents from the sixteenth century, some of which are by or connected to Elizabeth.
A collection of Elizabeth's writings and speeches by Paul Halsall at Fordham.
A virtual exhibit on Elizabeth from the Newberry Library.

Happy browsing!


Hannibal Hamlin
Associate Professor of English
The Ohio State University
Book Review Editor and Associate Editor, Reformation

Mailing Address (2007-2009):

The Folger Shakespeare Library
201 Capitol Street SE
Washington, DC 20003

Permanent Address:

Department of English
The Ohio State University
421 Denney Hall, 164 W. 17th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1340