

Simplifying and generalising and speaking without evidence, I presume 
the concern is that, when statistics are released and there is a 
simultaneous Ministerial (political) press release, people get confused 
between the statistics and the (Ministerial) spin, and start to think 
that the statistics themselves are contaminated with spin.

However, as Ray suggests, giving Ministers and their aides/advisers 24 
hours rather than 5 days to write this press release won't make any 
difference to that. The only solution would be to have no pre-release 
period, then Ministers get to react to statistics on an equal basis with 
everyone else.

In addition to Paul's point, one advantage of shortening the pre-release 
window is that, the shorter the pre-release window, the less time there 
is for politicians and their aides/advisers to leak material/try to 
manage expectations.


ray thomas wrote:
>> "Some have suggested, however, that the
>> existing arrangements for giving Ministers advance sight of National 
>> Statistics are overly generous and contribute to a perception of 
>> Ministerial interference in statistics, which in turn has an impact on 
>> trust in statistics. "
> The Royal Statistical Society has made this suggestion repeatedly.   But is
> there any evidence to support the suggestion?   Pre-release does not affact
> the statistics themselves.   There has been no suggestion that pre-release
> is associated in any way with altering or fiddling  the figures. Pre-release
> gives
> the opportunity to the Government of the day to put their own slant in
> interpreting 
> the statistics - just as they can do with the publication of any other kind
> of information.  
> Why should the public expect otherwise?   
> Why should statistical publications be viewed or treated
> differently from other kinds of reports?

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