


Place all ingredients in a large bowl.
Meatballs joined the paranormal every day:

Metaphysical Awakening Experience.
Cuisine was sampled.  This recipe shows you how

the pork is augmented with mad cow  
mix thoroughly with hands.

Witches play later today in a restaurant
that they promise is filled with gold

characters with their post-modern slashers.
Roll mixture into balls.

Rather than place a structure,
pretty ugly pot luck?

Brown balls in skillet.
Nagging application of post-modern thought:

place all ingredients in a large kettle.
Spam recipes that appear when you go:

Stanley Fish used the traditional
recipe for gefilte . . .

Thought as raw material >
Mumbo Jumbo Gumbo.

Cover and slowly bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
Reduce heat & allow to simmer.

Add browned meatballs to simmering sauce.
Simmer one hour until meatballs are cooked.

Barry Alpert / Silver Spring, MD US / 7-25-07 (12 Noon)