


 From the Chronicle of Higher Education, here is an interesting
opportunity for graduate students, post-docs, and other current
job seekers.

Ken Friedman



The Chronicle's Careers section is looking for graduate students, postdocs,
faculty members, and administrators who will be on the job market in the
2007-8 academic year and would be interested in keeping a diary of their job

Since 1998, we've featured the job-market stories of academics in a variety
of disciplines. They've written regular, first-person accounts throughout
the year of their attempts to find a faculty or administrative job in
academe, and in a few cases, a nonacademic job. (You can read their columns
at on the site.)

If you have a flair for writing, here's an opportunity to use it and get
paid. We select about 8 to 12 diarists a year; each writes three to five
columns over the course of the year about his or her job search. Those
selected will be paid $500 for each column they write that is accepted for
publication. What you need to do:

* Send us a sample column submission by August 14. If selected, your column
will be published on our site in the fall as the first entry in your
job-search diary.

* The sample column should be between 1,200 and 1,600 words, written in a
conversational, journalistic style. It should tell us about your background,
career goals, constraints, and job situation in the context of broader
issues involving the job market in your field and academic culture.

* Humor is a plus.

* Be creative, but not with the facts. We are not interested in
fictionalized accounts.

* Some diarists write under their own names, while others choose to use
pseudonyms. Either way, we will need to know your name, institution, and
discipline. Please make that information clear when you e-mail your

* E-mail your submissions and questions to: [log in to unmask]

* You may paste your column submission directly into an e-mail message, or
send it as an attachment in Microsoft Word. Diary entries will be edited for
grammar, style, taste, and length.

Besides submissions from doctoral students and Ph.D.'s who are looking for
their first tenure-track job, we also welcome submissions from other
academics who plan to spend this year hunting for a new position, including
adjunct faculty members, professors already tenured or on the tenure track,
and administrators. If you are part of a dual-career academic couple, you
are welcome to write a diary together.

Contact: Denise K. Magner, Senior editor, Chronicle Careers

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