

Help yourself to DTB

Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin (DTB) needs your help and in exchange we’ll
give you free single-user online access to the publication.

DTB’s been around for 45 years and has generated a unique archive of
several hundred reviews of medical treatments and the overall management of
disease. We intend to make all this information available online to
subscribers, and here’s where you come in.

To date, the electronic archive has extended only as far back as 1994. To
produce the rest of it, we need a full set of paper copies from the first
(1962) issue onwards. Somewhere out there will be individuals or
institutions with a complete, or near-complete, set of pre-1994 issues.

If anyone is prepared to donate a complete collection (or long series) of
these, please email [log in to unmask] In return for your issues, we’ll give
you a 10-year free online subscription for a single user, as well an
acknowledgment in DTB.

Many thanks,

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