We have a 3T GE scanner with an 8 channel head coil and parallel imaging...we can get 2.6 mm isotropic voxels (best we can do)...and we can do 25 directions and 3 B0s in 14.5 minutes.
We turn off upscanning and use a 128x128 matrix and 58 slices.


On 7/2/07, Agnieszka Burzynska <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear Manish,
I am not an expert, too, but I think some useful information for you can be found in diffusion FAQ on FSL website. You have to find a reasonable compromise between the resolution (2.5mm3 or better), number of repetitions, number of different DW gradients and non-DW measurements, etc. I work on 1.5 T, so for a start, I recommend you go to literature and check what is the standard for 3T and what are the solutions, and compare them with what is available for you.
Hope it helps a bit,

On 02.07.2007 17:19 Uhr, "Manish Dalwani" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear FSL'ers,

I am new to DTI and need some information about it. We are using a 3T GE MRI scanner and let's say we want to reduce the scan time to less 15 mins...to look at tracts in the frontal regions. What would be the best pulse sequence?

Also, can anyone tell me what (ideal) software and hardware for DTI and tractography would I need?

Kindly advise!

Manish Dalwani


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Dianne Patterson, Ph.D.
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University of Arizona
621-3256 (Office)