

I am getting strange results using bet on a NIFTI file -- it seems to
use a wrong interpretation of the orientation.  For testing, I ran
"bet file.nii.gz file-bet.nii.gz -g 1": I get an outline that cuts
into the brain on the right, but leaves the left untouched (expected
result is a large brain outline at the bottom, small at the top).
FSLView loads the input file correctly (i.e. S, I, A, P, R and L
labels are as expected).  I tried working around the issue by running
betpremask on file.nii, but although it generates a reasonably-looking
premasked image, the same orientation problem occurs when I use bet on

How can I get bet to read this type of file properly?



Rolf A Heckemann, PhD
Research Associate
Division of Neuroscience and Mental Health
MRC Clinical Sciences Centre
Imperial College London
Hammersmith Hospital Campus
Du Cane Road
London W12 0HS
United Kingdom