Thought this might be of interest:
Through funding from the Royal Libary of Sweden there is a new tool to support researchers in the selection of journals for publication.  The tool is called Journal Info and allows a quick and easy access to journal information via a website collection:
The information provided about journals include genre, access, costs and quality. You can also see which databases list a particular journal, what it will cost for libraries and alternative open access journals in existence. In total there are currently 18000 journals in the database.
 The audience is researchers and the site exists in English and Swedish to reach as many as possible. Information has been collated from the web and is continually updated. 
 Please make comments on this new tool and spread the information to researchers where you work and beyond.
With best wishes, from,

Mrs Caroline De Brún (née Papi) MA DipLIS MCLIP
Librarian - National Knowledge Service
NHS Institute,Knowledge and Learning Team: National Library for Health

Email: [log in to unmask]
Mobile: +44 (0)7765-256289
Skype: debrun.papi

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