

mind campaign


Dear all,

Mind will be campaigning this autumn around access to justice for mental health service users. We are currently collecting evidence on service users' experiences in accessing the systems of justice in England and Wales. We are sending out surveys to both service users and service providers working within advocacy and other related areas. The research will feed into the campaign, targeted on criminal justice agencies, to improve their service for this constituent group.

We want to distribute the surveys as wide as possible and beyond Mind's networks. Organisations working in the area including Victim Support are us to distribute the survey to their local branches.

However I was just wondering if there any other networks or organisations that you all may be in contact with that would also be good to distribute the surveys to.

The questionnaires can be viewed/downloaded from our website via this link:

I have also included some general text at the end of this email that can be used to forward on via email.

Any help/thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me on 020 8215 2205 if you want to discuss anything further.

Best wishes,

Access to justice - help Mind lobby for change

Mind, the mental health charity, will be campaigning this autumn on issues relating to access to justice for mental health service users. Mind has heard numerous individual accounts of people's experience of bullying, harassment and exploitation in the community. Mind is equally concerned that people with experience of mental distress are failing to be adequately served by the criminal justice system and by other mechanisms for redress, including health service complaints procedures. These two issues, when seen together, amount to a serious threat to the dignity, rights and equal citizenship of people with mental distress in the community.

Mind is currently collecting evidence on the experiences of people with mental health problems in accessing the systems of justice in England and Wales. Mind has produced two questionnaires. One for service users and one for staff involved in the delivery of advocacy and other related services.

The questionnaires can be downloaded from their website:

Alternatively you can order paper copies by contacting Mind's campaign team on 020 8215 2424 or via [log in to unmask]

Please promote the questionnaires to your staff and the clients using your services. Questionnaires need to be returned to the freepost address by 20 August 2007.

If you would like to discuss the campaign further then please contact Emma Mamo, Campaigns Officer, on 020 8215 2205 or via [log in to unmask]

Thank you for your support.

Emma Mamo
Campaigns Officer

15 - 19 Broadway

London E15 4BQ

Direct line: 020 8215 2205

What can you do to improve the Mental Health Bill?
Ask your MP to support EDM75

Sian Davies

Disability Equality Organiser


020 7551 1511

' Equality is not about treating everyone in the same way. It is about responding to different needs in the different ways, which best suit them.' 

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