

Just before you press the 'submit' button on your (our) wiki Terri I'd like
to suggest that it's not just what a person CAN do but also what they HAVE
done (experiences) and what they would really like to do (aspirations). Not
to mention all of their musings about what they're not sure they can, have
or will do!!

Shane :)

-----Original Message-----
From: e-portfolio practitioners and developers
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Terri Kinnison
Sent: 09 July 2007 14:54
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: A model relating eportfolios to [portfolio] tools?

Thanks to the group for this discussion. I would like to feed some of your
thoughts into a (closed) wiki that Becta Eportfolio Expert Reference Group
is using. Shane Sutherland and Peter Rees-Jones are members of this group. I
found this last entry particularly useful (being familiar with Shane and
Peter's excellent work!) but it has all been very interesting. 
Unless anyone says otherwise I will post Alan's (cited) 'simplistic'
definition onto our wiki for the group's consideration. 
As the group know, I am into 'simple' if not 'simplistic'.

Terri Kinnison
 Becta 14-19 Policy Adviser

Terri Kinnison
 Becta 14-19 Policy Adviser

-----Original Message-----
From: e-portfolio practitioners and developers
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Alan Paull
Sent: 08 July 2007 21:37
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: A model relating eportfolios to [portfolio] tools?

> But anyway, what about a system which helps someone construct a 
> single-use e-portfolio for, say, UCAS, for transition? Or for a 
> particular job application? If we include these as e-portfolio systems 
> (and I can't see any reason why we shouldn't), we are faced with a 
> classification which starts to look very bitty. Ugly.
> ** I don't believe it is problematic. Again... evidence on subject by 
> author for audience... a presentation  of digital items for the 
> purpose of A,A,A,A,A or A.

I'm not sure that a conventional UCAS electronic application would count
(yet) as an ePortfolio. It doesn't directly present the evidence, even if it
might (in the future) refer to it. It lacks the 'presentation' and
'evidence' aspect of an ePortfolio. However, a different beast may
eventually be developed, consisting of an ePortfolio that acts as an
application, or at least part of one.

> ** The purpose of the eportfolio should define the kind of system 
> required and the sorts of tools and functions within it

At the risk of being simplistic:

ePortfolio = a presentation of digital items that provides evidence of what
a person can do.

ePortfolio system [not necessarily one piece of software] = a set of tools
brought together for the purpose of producing one or more ePortfolios.



Alan Paull
APS Ltd, 58 Norton Wood, Forest Green, Nailsworth, Stroud, Glos  GL6 0HG
Tel: 01453 835009; Fax: 01453 834467; Mobile: 07977 120886
Email: [log in to unmask]; Web: