Dear All
>Dear All
>I am using the current peak lists to clone peaks from one list into another. However, the clone process  appears to be  hanging (the whole python system is not hung but cancel >cloning comes up on the button and then nothing seems to happen) help!
>another couple of comments / questions
>0. the ui is a bit painful it took several attempts to work out what was going on, what with semi modal dialog boxes appearing saying that I had not selected anything  etc a small >dialog box with two lists and start cloning/cancel button would seem more obvious to me at least...
>1. as the clone operation happens in the background do I have to be careful not to change the peak list i am cloning from  e.g. what would happen if I deleted it....

Now I have found out what is going on and it was a human interface  problem

for the record you have to do the following

1. click on a list to clone
2. click clone peaks
3. a dialog comes up saying 'please select a destination' [OK]
4. you click ok
5. if you have lots of peaks a second dialog comes up saying copy will duplicate xxxx peaks. this may take some time. [OK] [cancel]
6. clone peaks changes to a blue button with 'cancel cloning' (note you haven't started cloning yet though ...)
7. then you have to pick a peak list from original peak list [woe betide you if you click badly and get the wrong peak list... you will trash it and have to start again] or pick 'cancel cloning' button

sorry the developers may shoot me, but this design is just not very unintuitive


(n.b. it has taken me about 3 - 4 hours to work out where I was going wrong here)