

On Thu, 19 Jul 2007, gary thompson wrote:

> for the record you have to do the following
> 1. click on a list to clone
> 2. click clone peaks
> 3. a dialog comes up saying 'please select a destination' [OK]
> 4. you click ok
> 5. if you have lots of peaks a second dialog comes up saying copy will
> duplicate xxxx peaks. this may take some time. [OK] [cancel]

I guess it would be more logical if these popups appeared the other way 

> 6. clone peaks changes to a blue button with 'cancel cloning' (note you
> haven't started cloning yet though ...)
> 7. then you have to pick a peak list from original peak list

This matches the way other gui picking operations are done (e.g. atom 
assignment etc.)

> [woe betide you if you click badly and get the wrong peak list... you 
> will trash it and have to start again] or pick 'cancel cloning' button

You want another popup that says 'Cloning from listA to listB. Do you 
really want to?' with the option to cancel?

> sorry the developers may shoot me, but this design is just not very
> unintuitive
> (n.b. it has taken me about 3 - 4 hours to work out where I was going wrong
> here)

So it'll only take you a couple of minutes to write the text to go under 
the help button now!


Dr. Brian O. Smith ---------------------- B Smith at bio gla ac uk
           Division of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,
               Institute Biomedical & Life Sciences,
Joseph Black Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK.
Tel: 0141 330 5167/6459/3089                    Fax: 0141 330 8640