

Dear all,
I have a problem while running CNS minimize refinement. I have created the hkl file from mtz using CCP4. From this hkl file I've created the *.cv, *.mtf and *.pdb files.
After running the CNS minimize refinement, the program was aborted and an error message was displayed as : 
"Error: required observed amplitude array "fobs" does not exist"
I don't know where the problem is. If anyone knows, it would be of great help. For more information, I've given the log file (which I got after CNS minimize refinement) at the bottom of this mail.

Log file:
 FFT3C: Using FFTPACK4.1
 CNSsolve>{+ file: minimize.inp +}
 CNSsolve>{+ directory: xtal_refine +}
 CNSsolve>{+ description: Crystallographic conjugate gradient minimization refinement +}
 CNSsolve>{+ authors: Axel T. Brunger, and Paul D. Adams +}
 CNSsolve>{+ copyright: Yale University +}
 CNSsolve>{+ reference: A.T. Brunger, The Free R Value: a Novel Statistical
 CNSsolve>              Quantity for Assessing the Accuracy of Crystal Structures,
 CNSsolve>              Nature 355, 472-474 (1992) +}
 CNSsolve>{+ reference: N.S. Pannu and R.J. Read, Improved structure refinement
 CNSsolve>              through maximum likelihood, Acta Cryst. A52, 659-668 (1996) +}
 CNSsolve>{+ reference: P.D. Adams, N.S. Pannu, R.J. Read and A.T. Brunger,
 CNSsolve>              Cross-validated Maximum Likelihood Enhances Crystallographic
 CNSsolve>              Simulated Annealing Refinement, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
 CNSsolve>              94, 5018-5023 (1997) +}
 CNSsolve>{- Guidelines for using this file:
 CNSsolve>   - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes
 CNSsolve>   - logical variables (true/false) are not quoted
 CNSsolve>   - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file
 CNSsolve>   - the selections store1 through store8 are available for general use -}
 CNSsolve>{- begin block parameter definition -} define(
 DEFINE>{======================= molecular structure =========================}
 DEFINE>{* molecular topology file *}
 DEFINE>{===>} structure_infile="2F_gen.mtf";
 DEFINE>{* parameter files *}
 DEFINE>{===>} parameter_infile_1="CNS_TOPPAR:protein_rep.param";
 DEFINE>{===>} parameter_infile_2="CNS_TOPPAR:water_rep.param";
 DEFINE>{===>} parameter_infile_3="CNS_TOPPAR:ion.param";
 DEFINE>{===>} parameter_infile_4="";
 DEFINE>{===>} parameter_infile_5="";
 DEFINE>{* coordinate file *}
 DEFINE>{===>} coordinate_infile="2F_gen.pdb";
 DEFINE>{====================== crystallographic data ========================}
 DEFINE>{* space group *}
 DEFINE>{* use International Table conventions with subscripts substituted
 DEFINE>   by parenthesis *}
 DEFINE>{===>} sg="P3(1)21";
 DEFINE>{* unit cell parameters in Angstroms and degrees *}
 DEFINE>{+ table: rows=1 "cell" cols=6 "a" "b" "c" "alpha" "beta" "gamma" +}
 DEFINE>{===>} a=88.563;
 DEFINE>{===>} b=88.563;
 DEFINE>{===>} c=103.818;
 DEFINE>{===>} alpha=90;
 DEFINE>{===>} beta=90;
 DEFINE>{===>} gamma=120;
 DEFINE>{* anomalous f' f'' library file *}
 DEFINE>{* If a file is not specified, no anomalous contribution will be included *}
 DEFINE>{+ choice: "CNS_XRAYLIB:anom_cu.lib" "CNS_XRAYLIB:anom_mo.lib" "" user_file +}
 DEFINE>{===>} anom_library="";
 DEFINE>{* reflection files *}
 DEFINE>{* specify non-anomalous reflection files before anomalous reflection files. *}
 DEFINE>{* files must contain unique array names otherwise errors will occur *}
 DEFINE>{===>} reflection_infile_1="";
 DEFINE>{===>} reflection_infile_2="";
 DEFINE>{===>} reflection_infile_3="";
 DEFINE>{* reciprocal space array containing observed amplitudes: required *}
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_f="fobs";
 DEFINE>{* reciprocal space array containing sigma values for amplitudes: required *}
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_sigf="sigma";
 DEFINE>{* reciprocal space array containing test set for cross-validation: required *}
 DEFINE>{* cross-validation should always be used, with the possible exception
 DEFINE>   of a final round of refinement including all data *}
 DEFINE>{* cross-validation is always required for the maximum likelihood targets *}
 DEFINE>{===>} test_set="test";
 DEFINE>{* number for selection of test reflections: required for cross-validation *}
 DEFINE>{* ie. reflections with the test set array equal to this number will be
 DEFINE>       used for cross-validation, all other reflections form the working set *}
 DEFINE>{===>} test_flag=1;
 DEFINE>{* reciprocal space array containing weighting scheme for observed
 DEFINE>   amplitudes: optional *}
 DEFINE>{* only used for the "residual" and "vector" targets - this will
 DEFINE>   default to a constant value of 1 if array is not present *}
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_w="";
 DEFINE>{* reciprocal space array containing observed intensities: optional *}
 DEFINE>{* required for the "mli" target *}
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_i="";
 DEFINE>{* reciprocal space array containing sigma values for intensities: optional *}
 DEFINE>{* required for the "mli" target *}
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_sigi="";
 DEFINE>{* reciprocal space arrays with experimental phase probability
 DEFINE>   distribution: optional *}
 DEFINE>{* Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients A,B,C,D *}
 DEFINE>{* required for the "mlhl" target *}
 DEFINE>{+ table: rows=1 "HL coefficients" cols=4 "A" "B" "C" "D" +}
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_pa="";
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_pb="";
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_pc="";
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_pd="";
 DEFINE>{* complex reciprocal space array containing experimental phases: optional *}
 DEFINE>{* required for the "mixed" and "vector" targets *}
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_phase="";
 DEFINE>{* reciprocal space array containing experimental figures of merit: optional *}
 DEFINE>{* required for the "mixed" target *}
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_fom="";
 DEFINE>{* resolution limits to be used in refinement *}
 DEFINE>{* the full resolution range of observed data should be used in refinement.
 DEFINE>   A bulk solvent correction should be applied to allow the use of low
 DEFINE>   resolution terms. If no bulk solvent correction is applied, data must
 DEFINE>   be truncated at a lower resolution limit of between 8 and 6 Angstrom. *}
 DEFINE>{+ table: rows=1 "resolution" cols=2 "lowest" "highest" +}
 DEFINE>{===>} low_res=30.0;
 DEFINE>{===>} high_res=2.5;
 DEFINE>{* apply rejection criteria to amplitudes or intensities *}
 DEFINE>{+ choice: "amplitude" "intensity" +}
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_type="amplitude";
 DEFINE>{* Observed data cutoff criteria: applied to amplitudes or intensities *}
 DEFINE>{* reflections with magnitude(Obs)/sigma < cutoff are rejected. *}
 DEFINE>{===>} sigma_cut=0.0;
 DEFINE>{* rms outlier cutoff: applied to amplitudes or intensities *}
 DEFINE>{* reflections with magnitude(Obs) > cutoff*rms(Obs) will be rejected *}
 DEFINE>{===>} obs_rms=10000;
 DEFINE>{=================== non-crystallographic symmetry ===================}
 DEFINE>{* NCS-restraints/constraints file *}
 DEFINE>{* see auxiliary/ncs.def *}
 DEFINE>{===>} ncs_infile="";
 DEFINE>{============ initial B-factor and bulk solvent corrections ==========}
 DEFINE>{* initial B-factor correction *}
 DEFINE>{+ choice: "no" "isotropic" "anisotropic" "anisotropic_fixed_isotropic" +}
 DEFINE>{===>} bscale="anisotropic";
 DEFINE>{* lower resolution limit for B-factor correction *}
 DEFINE>{* the correction can only be calculated using data truncated at a
 DEFINE>   lower resolution limit of between 8 and 6 A. The correction will be
 DEFINE>   applied to all reflections *}
 DEFINE>{===>} low_res_bscale=6.0;
 DEFINE>{* bulk solvent correction *}
 DEFINE>{* a mask is required around the molecule(s). The region
 DEFINE>   outside this mask is the solvent region *}
 DEFINE>{+ choice: true false +}
 DEFINE>{===>} bulk_sol=true;
 DEFINE>{* bulk solvent mask file *}
 DEFINE>{* mask will be read from O type mask file if a name is given
 DEFINE>   otherwise calculated from coordinates of selected atoms *}
 DEFINE>{===>} bulk_mask_infile="";
 DEFINE>{* solvent density level *}
 DEFINE>{* if negative, determined automatically
 DEFINE>   if positive, fixed at value given *}
 DEFINE>{===>} sol_k=-1;
 DEFINE>{* solvent B-factor *}
 DEFINE>{* if negative, determined automatically
 DEFINE>   if positive, fixed at value given *}
 DEFINE>{===>} sol_b=-1;
 DEFINE>{========================== atom selection ===========================}
 DEFINE>{* select atoms to be included in refinement *}
 DEFINE>{* this should include all conformations if multiple conformations are used *}
 DEFINE>{===>} atom_select=(known and not hydrogen);
 DEFINE>{* select fixed atoms *}
 DEFINE>{* note: atoms at special positions are automatically fixed. So,
 DEFINE>   you don't have to explicitly fix them here. *}
 DEFINE>{===>} atom_fixed=(none);
 DEFINE>{* select atoms to be harmonically restrained during refinement *}
 DEFINE>{===>} atom_harm=(none);
 DEFINE>{* harmonic restraint constant - for harmonically restrained atoms *}
 DEFINE>{===>} k_harmonic=10;
 DEFINE>{* select atoms in alternate conformation 1 *}
 DEFINE>{===>} conf_1=(none);
 DEFINE>{* select atoms in alternate conformation 2 *}
 DEFINE>{===>} conf_2=(none);
 DEFINE>{* select atoms in alternate conformation 3 *}
 DEFINE>{===>} conf_3=(none);
 DEFINE>{* select atoms in alternate conformation 4 *}
 DEFINE>{===>} conf_4=(none);
 DEFINE>{* additional restraints file *}
 DEFINE>{* eg. auxiliary/dna-rna_restraints.def *}
 DEFINE>{===>} restraints_infile="";
 DEFINE>{===================== minimization parameters =======================}
 DEFINE>{* number of minimization steps *}
 DEFINE>{===>} minimize_nstep=100;
 DEFINE>{* number of cycles *}
 DEFINE>{===>} num_cycles=1;
 DEFINE>{* refinement target *}
 DEFINE>{+ list: mlf: maximum likelihood target using amplitudes
 DEFINE>         mli: maximum likelihood target using intensities
 DEFINE>        mlhl: maximum likelihood target using amplitudes
 DEFINE>              and phase probability distribution
 DEFINE>    residual: standard crystallographic residual
 DEFINE>      vector: vector residual
 DEFINE>       mixed: (1-fom)*residual + fom*vector
 DEFINE>        e2e2: correlation coefficient using normalized E^2
 DEFINE>        e1e1: correlation coefficient using normalized E
 DEFINE>        f2f2: correlation coefficient using F^2
 DEFINE>        f1f1: correlation coefficient using F +}
 DEFINE>{+ choice: "mlf" "mli" "mlhl" "residual" "vector" "mixed"
 DEFINE>           "e2e2" "e1e1" "f2f2" "f1f1" +}
 DEFINE>{===>} reftarget="mlf";
 DEFINE>{* Wa weight for X-ray term *}
 DEFINE>{* this will be determined automatically if a negative value is given.
 DEFINE>   Note: wa can be very different depending on the target - if it is not
 DEFINE>         determined automatically make sure an appropriate value is used *}
 DEFINE>{===>} wa=-1;
 DEFINE>{* number of bins for refinement target *}
 DEFINE>{* this will be determined automatically if a negative value is given
 DEFINE>   otherwise the specified number of bins will be used *}
 DEFINE>{===>} target_bins=-1;
 DEFINE>{* memory allocation for FFT calculation *}
 DEFINE>{* this will be determined automatically if a negative value is given
 DEFINE>   otherwise the specified number of words will be allocated *}
 DEFINE>{===>} fft_memory=-1;
 DEFINE>{=========================== output files ============================}
 DEFINE>{* output coordinate file *}
 DEFINE>{===>} coordinate_outfile="2F_mini.pdb";
 DEFINE>{* format output coordinates for use in o *}
 DEFINE>{* if false then the default CNS output coordinate format will be used *}
 DEFINE>{+ choice: true false +}
 DEFINE>{===>} pdb_o_format=true;
 DEFINE>{        things below this line do not normally need to be changed          }
 DEFINE> ) {- end block parameter definition -}
 CNSsolve> checkversion 1.1
 Program version= 1.1 File version= 1.1
 CNSsolve> evaluate ($log_level=quiet)
 Assuming literal string "QUIET"
 EVALUATE: symbol $LOG_LEVEL set to "QUIET" (string)
 CNSsolve> structure @&structure_infile end
 ASSFIL: file 2F_gen.mtf opened.
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  10   CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  19   CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  23   CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  57   CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  67   CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  72   CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  82   CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  134  CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  145  CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  149  CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  171  CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  219  CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  246  CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  261  CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  275  CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  281  CD
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    MET  282  OT1
 REMARKS coordinates built for atom: A    MET  282  OXT
 REMARKS DATE:16-Jul-2007  01:06:21       created by user: sam
 Status of internal molecular topology database:
 -> NATOM=       2297(MAXA=       40000)  NBOND=       2349(MAXB=       40000)
 -> NTHETA=      3167(MAXT=       80000)  NGRP=         283(MAXGRP=     40000)
 -> NPHI=        1479(MAXP=       80000)  NIMPHI=       989(MAXIMP=     40000)
 -> NNB=            0(MAXNB=      40000)
 STRUcture> end
 CNSsolve> coordinates @&coordinate_infile
 ASSFIL: file 2F_gen.pdb opened.
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  10   CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  19   CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  23   CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  57   CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  67   CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  72   CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  82   CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  134  CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  145  CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  149  CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  171  CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  219  CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  246  CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  261  CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  275  CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    ILE  281  CD
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    MET  282  OT1
 COOR>REMARK coordinates built for atom: A    MET  282  OXT
 COOR>REMARK DATE:16-Jul-2007  01:06:22       created by user: sam
 COOR>ATOM      1  CB  GLU A   2     -52.577  51.518   4.795  1.00 92.26      A
 COOR>ATOM      2  CG  GLU A   2     -53.454  50.561   3.987  1.00 92.53      A
 CNSsolve> parameter
 PARRDR>   if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_1 = false ) then
 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as true
 PARRDR>      @@&parameter_infile_1
 ASSFIL: file /usr/local/cns/cns_solve_1.1/libraries/toppar/protein_rep.param opened.
 PARRDR>remarks file toppar/protein_rep.param
 PARRDR>remarks   protein parameters for crystallographic structure determination
 PARRDR>remarks   with "soft" (purely repulsive) van der Waals parameters.
 PARRDR>remarks file toppar/protein_rep.param
 PARRDR>remarks Parameter file including bond and angle parameters
 PARRDR>remarks derived from Cambridge Data Base model structures
 PARRDR>remarks (R. A. Engh and R. Huber, Acta Cryst. Sect. A., 1991).
 PARRDR>remarks Nonbonded parameters taken from PROLSQ using REPEL function.
 PARRDR>remarks Small dihedral angle energy constants set to uniform small value.
 PARRDR>remarks All other dihedral and improper energy constants set to uniform
 PARRDR>remarks  large values.
 PARRDR>remarks Warning: these parameters are not suitable for free MD simulations
 PARRDR>! References:
 PARRDR>! Engh, R.A. and  Huber, R. (1991). Accurate Bond and
 PARRDR>!  Angle Parameters for X-ray Protein-Structure Refinement,
 PARRDR>!  Acta Cryst. A47, 392-400.
 PARRDR>! Hendrickson W.A. and Konnert J.H. in "Computing  in
 PARRDR>!  Crystallography"  (ed.   R.  Diamond, S. Ramaseshan
 PARRDR>!  and K. Venkatesan) (Bangalore, Indian Institute  of
 PARRDR>!  Science, 1980) 13.01-13.23
 PARRDR>set echo=off message=off end
 Program version= 1.1 File version= 1.1
 PARRDR>   end if
 PARRDR>   if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_2 = false ) then
 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as true
 PARRDR>      @@&parameter_infile_2
 ASSFIL: file /usr/local/cns/cns_solve_1.1/libraries/toppar/water_rep.param opened.
 PARRDR>remarks file toppar/water.param
 PARRDR>remarks   water parameters for structure determination
 PARRDR>set echo=false end
 Program version= 1.1 File version= 1.1
 EVALUATE: symbol $VDW_RADIUS_O set to    2.90000     (real)
 EVALUATE: symbol $VDW_RADIUS_HH set to    1.60000     (real)
 EVALUATE: symbol $VDW_RADIUS_O set to    2.58361     (real)
 EVALUATE: symbol $VDW_RADIUS_HH set to    1.42544     (real)
 EVALUATE: symbol $VDW_RADIUS14_O set to    2.31634     (real)
 EVALUATE: symbol $VDW_RADIUS14_HH set to    1.15817     (real)
 EVALUATE: symbol $VDW_EPS set to   0.100000     (real)
 PARRDR>   end if
 PARRDR>   if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_3 = false ) then
 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as true
 PARRDR>      @@&parameter_infile_3
 ASSFIL: file /usr/local/cns/cns_solve_1.1/libraries/toppar/ion.param opened.
 PARRDR>remarks file toppar/ion.param
 PARRDR>remarks nonbonded parameters for common ions
 PARRDR>remarks new parameters derived from literature for single atom species
 PARRDR>remarks PDA 02/09/99
 PARRDR>set echo=off end
 Program version= 1.1 File version= 1.1
 PARRDR>   end if
 PARRDR>   if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_4 = false ) then
 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as false
 PARRDR>      @@&parameter_infile_4
 PARRDR>   end if
 PARRDR>   if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_5 = false ) then
 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as false
 PARRDR>      @@&parameter_infile_5
 PARRDR>   end if
 PARRDR> end
 CNSsolve> xray
 XRAY>   @CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg;
 ASSFIL: file /usr/local/cns/cns_solve_1.1/libraries/xtal/spacegroup.lib opened.
 XRAY>! file  libraries/xtal/spacegroup.lib
 XRAY>! library of symmetry operators for CNS
 XRAY>! Automatically generated with SgInfo Version 2.00a13
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &sgparam=$sgparam;
 &_2_SG set to &_1_SG
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                sgparam=$sgparam;)
 &_2_SGPARAM set to $_1_SGPARAM
 XRAY>set message ? end
 XRAY>evaluate ($message_old=$result)
 EVALUATE: symbol $MESSAGE_OLD set to "NORM" (string)
 XRAY>set echo ? end
 XRAY>evaluate ($echo_old=$result)
 EVALUATE: symbol $ECHO_OLD set to TRUE (logical)
 XRAY>set echo=off message=off end
 Program version= 1.1 File version= 1.1
SYMMETRY: found symmetry operators for space group "P3(1)21" in library
 XRAY>   a=&a b=&b c=&c  alpha=&alpha beta=&beta gamma=&gamma
 XRAY>   @CNS_XRAYLIB:scatter.lib
 ASSFIL: file /usr/local/cns/cns_solve_1.1/libraries/xray/scatter.lib opened.
 XRAY>! file libraries/xray/scatter.lib
 XRAY>! Atomic scattering factors without anomalous contribution
 XRAY>! Library for CNS
 XRAY>! Authors: Paul Adams, Joe Jaeger, and Axel T. Brunger
 XRAY>!(1) element Cf (Californium) has to be referred to as Cff
 XRAY>!(2) element Sm (Samarium) has to be referred to as Smm
 XRAY>!(3) element Np (Neptunium) has to be referred to as Npp
 XRAY>!(3) types of elements with ionic state (i.e., +/-) specifications have
 XRAY>!    to be put in double quotes in selection statements.
 XRAY>set message ? end
 XRAY>evaluate ($message_old_sclib=$result)
 EVALUATE: symbol $MESSAGE_OLD_SCLIB set to "NORM" (string)
 XRAY>set echo ? end
 XRAY>evaluate ($echo_old_sclib=$result)
 EVALUATE: symbol $ECHO_OLD_SCLIB set to TRUE (logical)
 XRAY>set echo=off message=off end
 Program version= 1.1 File version= 1.1
 XRAY>   if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_1 = false ) then
 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as true
 XRAY>     reflection @@&reflection_infile_1 end
 ASSFIL: file opened.
 REFLection> NREFlection=     16608
 XRAY: increasing space allocation for up to   16608 reflections.
 REFLection> ANOMalous=FALSe { equiv. to HERMitian=TRUE}
 REFLection> DECLare NAME=FCALC                  DOMAin=RECIprocal   TYPE=COMP END
 XDECLARE: Object FCALC has been declared.
 REFLection> DECLare NAME=TEST                   DOMAin=RECIprocal   TYPE=INTE END
 XDECLARE: Object TEST has been declared.
 REFLection> INDE     0    0   12 FCALC=   361.600   180.000 TEST=         0
 XSFAL: allocating space for complex reciprocal space object.
 XSFAL: allocating space for integer reciprocal space object.
 XRRR2:    16608 new h,k,l indices have been added.
 XRAY>   end if
 XRAY>   if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_2 = false ) then
 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as false
 XRAY>     reflection @@&reflection_infile_2 end
 XRAY>   end if
 XRAY>   if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_3 = false ) then
 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as false
 XRAY>     reflection @@&reflection_infile_3 end
 XRAY>   end if
 XRAY> end
 CNSsolve> if ( &BLANK%anom_library = false ) then
 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as false
 CNSsolve>   @@&anom_library
 CNSsolve> else
 CNSsolve>   set echo=off end
 ANOMalous=FALSe {OFF}
 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as false
 CNSsolve> end if
 CNSsolve> {- copy define parameters of optional arrays into symbols so
 CNSsolve>    we can redefine them -}
 CNSsolve> evaluate ($obs_i=&obs_i)
 EVALUATE: symbol $OBS_I set to "" (string)
 CNSsolve> evaluate ($obs_sigi=&obs_sigi)
 EVALUATE: symbol $OBS_SIGI set to "" (string)
 CNSsolve> evaluate ($obs_w=&obs_w)
 EVALUATE: symbol $OBS_W set to "" (string)
 CNSsolve> xray
 XRAY>   @@CNS_XTALMODULE:checkrefinput (
 ASSFIL: file /usr/local/cns/cns_solve_1.1/modules/xtal/checkrefinput opened.
 XRAY>! Module file: checkrefinput
 XRAY>! CNS module
 XRAY>! **********
 XRAY>! Authors: Axel Brunger and Paul Adams
 XRAY>! copyright Yale University
 XRAY>! Function:
 XRAY>!    Checks the required input reciprocal space arrays
 XRAY>! Requirements:
 XRAY>!    Needs to be called within xray
 XRAY>module {checkrefinput}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &reftarget="residual"; {string}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &obs_f;                {reciprocal space array}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &obs_sigf;             {reciprocal space array}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &test_set;             {reciprocal space array}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &obs_pa;               {reciprocal space array}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &obs_pb;               {reciprocal space array}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &obs_pc;               {reciprocal space array}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &obs_pd;               {reciprocal space array}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &obs_phase;            {reciprocal space array}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &obs_fom;              {reciprocal space array}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &obs_w;                {reciprocal space array}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &obs_i;                {reciprocal space array}
 MODULE-DECLARATION>  &obs_sigi;             {reciprocal space array}
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  reftarget=&reftarget;
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  obs_f=&obs_f;
 &_2_OBS_F set to &_1_OBS_F
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  obs_sigf=&obs_sigf;
 &_2_OBS_SIGF set to &_1_OBS_SIGF
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  test_set=&test_set;
 &_2_TEST_SET set to &_1_TEST_SET
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  obs_pa=&obs_pa;
 &_2_OBS_PA set to &_1_OBS_PA
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  obs_pb=&obs_pb;
 &_2_OBS_PB set to &_1_OBS_PB
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  obs_pc=&obs_pc;
 &_2_OBS_PC set to &_1_OBS_PC
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  obs_pd=&obs_pd;
 &_2_OBS_PD set to &_1_OBS_PD
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  obs_phase=&obs_phase;
 &_2_OBS_PHASE set to &_1_OBS_PHASE
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  obs_fom=&obs_fom;
 &_2_OBS_FOM set to &_1_OBS_FOM
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  obs_w=$obs_w;
 &_2_OBS_W set to $_1_OBS_W
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  obs_i=$obs_i;
 &_2_OBS_I set to $_1_OBS_I
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  obs_sigi=$obs_sigi;
 &_2_OBS_SIGI set to $_1_OBS_SIGI
 MODULE-INVOCATION>                                  )
 XRAY>set message ? end
 XRAY>evaluate ($message_old_cri=$result)
 EVALUATE: symbol $MESSAGE_OLD_CRI set to "NORM" (string)
 XRAY>set echo ? end
 XRAY>evaluate ($echo_old_cri=$result)
 EVALUATE: symbol $ECHO_OLD_CRI set to TRUE (logical)
 XRAY>if ( $log_level = verbose ) then
 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as false
 XRAY>  set echo=on message=normal end
 XRAY>  set echo=off message=off end
 Program version= 1.1 File version= 1.1
 Error: required observed amplitude array "fobs" does not exist
 %  error encountered: ABORT statement specified.
   (CNS is in mode: SET ABORT=NORMal END)
 ABORT mode will terminate program execution.
 Program will stop immediately.

Post Doctoral Fellow
Department of Molecular & Cell Biology
Samsung Biomedical Research Institute
Sungkyunkwan Univ. School of Medicine
Suwon 440-746, S.Korea
tel : 82-31-299-6150 &

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