Hi Everyone,
Yes, it's true - but please complete this one. Below is a message from Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK) giving details about the survey that have recently sent and which some of you may have already returned. Just to clarify - this survey applies to archive offices (of any type) based in England only. It relates to the structure and composition of the organisation so should be completed by the head of department or senior member of staff. Please make sure only one person in your organisation completes it to avoid duplication.
The survey is not very long - honestly - and will provide some basic data about the workforce. LLUK will share their information (suitably anonymised) with the Society of Archivists so we can use it as a basis for further research on diversity in the profession with a view to taking positive action where necessary. Follow up work will relate more to individual views.
Please ensure that LLUK receive as much information as possible from the archives sector - we're small but significant!
Have a good (and not too wet) weekend.
Jenny Moran
Honorary Secretary
Society of Archivists

Lifelong Learning UK study

Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK) is carrying out a study to learn about staff working in the archives sector in England. This study will provide essential information which will inform future research, allowing LLUK to make recommendations on how training requirements can be best met within the sector as a whole.

LLUK is working in partnership with the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council who is helping to fund this research. This important study is also supported by organisations such as the Society of Archivists and the Association of Chief Archivists in Local Government.

It is important to the success of this study that all eligible organisations in the sector take part. Therefore, it will be much appreciated if people working in the archives and records management sector try to persuade their organisations to complete the survey and if organisations supporting the sector can promote the study through their networks.

For more information about this study or to complete the survey, please go to


The deadline for submitting responses is the 10th of August 2007.

Thank you for your help with this important study.