


1) Disablist Britain
Bringing together data about ‘disablism’ from a large number of sources in 
one place for the first time, this report catalogues the ways in which 
British society discriminates against disabled people and prevents them from 
living the lives they want to lead.

2) Institutional disablism’ is rife in Britain
Demos audit provides first comprehensive assessment of disability 
discrimination in the UK

3) Disablism
A new approach is needed to tackle on-going discrimination against disabled 
people: one that coherently leverages positive change as it emerges in 
society, rather than relying on legislation.

4) Disablism
disablism - a new Demos report - is out today to coincide with the launch of 
Scope's Time to Get Equal campaign. disablism isn't a word you'll find in 
the dictionary, but it was something that all the disabled people we spoke 
to and worked with on the project recognised very strongly as part of their 
experience. There's a good piece on BBC News Online about the launch and the 
report. Also a piece in the Scotsman about David Blunkett's speech at the 
launch, and a piece in the Guardian which.. 

5) Ain't disablism the same as racism?
Disabled people's negative freedoms are infringed every day. Disability 
Awareness in Action notes on its 'violations database' that since 1990, 682 
disabled people have lost their lives because of disablism in the UK. That 
is, they have been deliberately killed just because they were a disabled 
person. Discrimination is not restricted to 'full participation in society'. 
Equally, members of the ethnic minority community are still 
disproportionately represented in the job market - their positive...

6) New partnerships needed to fight disablism
Legislation alone will not stamp out discrimination unless public attitudes 
towards disabled people also change, says new report

7) Better design can challenge ‘disablism’
Our world of fiddly buttons and user-unfriendly gadgets is discriminating 
against disabled people, says new Demos 

8) Disablism Summit
Perfection revisited?Paul Miller, 15 July 2004, Scope disablism Summit, 
LondonAbout this time last year I sat down to lunch at a conference about 
future technologies that was being held at Stanford University on the west 
coast of America. And, as you do, I got talking to the guy opposite me about 
the previous session which had been a fairly mindblowing talk about some new 
wiz-bang widget or other.Anyway, we chatted for a while then I asked this 
guy what he did for a job.It turned out he was in...

9) Independent Living
Independent living is what non-disabled people take for granted – living the 
life you want to live; deciding what you want to do (and what you don’t), 
and then having the opportunity and, if necessary, the support, to get on 
and do it.

11) Independent Living
We launched a new report called Independent Living yesterday. It was covered 
by the BBC, Guardian and Daily Mail among others. Sarah also wrote a 
Guardian comment piece (photo courtesy of our own Charlie Tims).New 
disability minister Anne McGuire gave her first proper speech since taking 
the job at the launch event. We'll try and get hold of some of the speeches 
and post them here as there were some very good ones.The report follows on 
from our disablism report of last year and argues that 

12) Taking Control
There's a piece in today's Society Guardian about the excellent In Control 
pilot scheme. We profiled the project in our disablism pamphlet last year 
where we argued for more personalised support. We're continuing to work on 
the ideas of independent living and personalised support with Scope this 
year so if you know of similar schemes that you think we should be learning 
from, either drop me or Sarah Gillinson a line.

13) Micro-egalitarianism
It reminded me of a fantastic report by Demos Associates Melanie Howard and 
Sue Tibballs, where they argued that questions of equality cannot be 
resolved until we start talking about the issues in language that people 
understand and recognise as relevant to their own lives.Thinking about 
egalitarianism, I?m not sure that either equality of opportunity or outcomes 
quite hits the mark. Egalitarianism should surely be about recognising equal 
human worth. Real equality of opportunity comes from...

14) Government launches disability strategy
Number 10 have just announced a new 20 year (and 212 page long) strategy for 
improving the life chances of disabled people. We'll be looking over all the 
details today, so more thoughts soon, but first impressions are that it 
looks very promising. I've also noticed that our disablism report from last 
year has found it's way in.We're continuing to work with Scope, DAA and 
other friends looking at how to tackle discrimination against disabled 
people and how support for disabled people can be...

15) More on 20 year disability strategy
Media coverage of the launch of the Government's disability strategy 
yesterday was pretty low but the Guardian is running a piece about the 
proposal for more personalised support:The aim is to simplify the benefits 
system and avoid allowing people to become trapped into claiming one 
specific source of funding rather than adjusting funding as their life 
changes.This was something we did a lot of work on last year (see disablism 
and Personalisation through Participation for example), so it's...

16) Who benefits?
Welfare reform looks set to become one of the most hotly debated topics of 
the new parliamentary session, judging by the weekend's newspapers. 
Yesterday's Observer reported on David Blunkett's plans to reform Incapacity 
Benefit, with the new Work & Pensions Secretary insistent "that his plans 
should not be seen as a threat to the disabled but as 'liberating' their 
ambitions".Next week, Demos will be publishing Independent Living. The 
report will examine the barriers to independent living faced...

17) The Demos Pamphlet Economy
I was just playing around with Amazon when I realised that there's a second 
hand market developing for Demos pamphlets. disablism and The Long Game are 
both going for ?5.76 rather than the standard ?10. You can of course 
download them all for free from our website.

18) Odeon Schmodeon
So Matthew Somerville has been forced to take down his accessible version of 
the Odeon Cinemas website. In my personal opinion it's a particularly stupid 
decision by Odeon and I for one will be taking my film watching business 
elsewhere in the future. The site (which I used to use quite regularly) 
wasn't just better for disabled people who might use screen readers but was 
just better full stop. It loaded quicker, had everything in the right place 
and didn't crash your machine every two...

19) Sophia Parker
Sophia has a specific interest in service design - looking at ways in which 
public services such as education and health can be designed from the user 

20) Sarah Gillinson
Sarah joined Demos as a researcher in March 2004 and works on public service 
reform, concentrating on learning and disability policy.

21) Paul Miller
Paul Miller is a Demos associate working with us on innovation, 
organisational change and democratic renewal.

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