Dear all,
One of the long term projects of Sport&EU is to put together a journal's special issue that could feature the research of our members, hence informing the wider academic community of the advances of our discipline. We are about to finalise the details for a special issue on the EU and Sport for the on-line peer reviewed Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER), which could be published later this year. The special issue will feature some of the papers presented at the gatherings convened by Sport&EU in the last year (i.e. Loughborough 2006, Montreal 2007 and the upcoming Chester 2007).
It is intended that the special issue will also have book reviews and maybe some non-reviewed contributions. It will be an issue completely managed by Sport&EU with the help of the editorial team of JCER.
This e-mail is a call for expressions of interest for those of you that would like to get involved in this special issue. Your collaboration is essential if we are to produce a journal of the best academic quality.
Book reviews
The special issue will feature three or four book reviews. Book reviews are a maximum of 1000 words in length and the journal's policy is to include at least two reviews of every book, so there are contrasting opinions. For more information see
I need to compile a list of possible books to review, as well as a list of book reviewers.
Please, do email me with your suggestions of books that could be reviewed. Do also email me if you would like to write one of the reviews.
If you have recently read a book that you think deserves to be reviewed and are happy to write the review, please do get in contact as well.
Article peer-review process
The JCER is a peer-reviewed journal. Therefore, articles need to get two favourable reviews before being published. This is an essential part of the special issue and one that would enhance the seriousness of our work. If you would like to volunteer to review an article for the special issue, please do email me.
Of course, in order to ensure the blind-review process I cannot say who will review what. In any case, the special issue will feature a maximum of six articles, so if we get enough reviewers it is expected that you will only have to review one article. Please do come forward for this, as it is an essential part of the special issue.
If you would like to collaborate in any of the above, please do contact me as soon as possible because we are working with relatively tight deadlines.
I look forward to hearing from you
Best regards
Borja Garcia Garcia
Department of Politics, International Relations and European Studies,
Loughborough University,
Leicestershire, LE11 3TU (UK)
[Ph]  +44 (0) 1509 223 652
[Fax] +44 (0) 1509 223 917
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Sport&EU, The Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union can be found at