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BMJ Clinical Evidence now to cover supportive and palliative care

BMJ Clinical Evidence has extended its service to cover the systematic reviewing of the evidence base behind supportive and palliative care.

The new service covers a broad range of clinical problems including constipation in people prescribed opioids, delirium in the dying patient and nausea and vomiting in people with cancer and other chronic illnesses.

Commenting on the new clinical guides from BMJ Clinical Evidence which seek to reflect the best current consensus among specialists in supportive and palliative care, Sam Ahmedzai, Professor of Palliative Medicine at the University of Sheffield, said:

“We were struck by the paucity of the evidence for palliative care interventions. Some of the better researched clinical areas are not in palliative care but in supportive care of cancer patients, for example, anti-emetics for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.

“We trust that in future updates these gaps in the evidence base will be filled in – if not from research in cancer care then from other branches of medicine which are taking on the supportive care mantle”.

This new service from BMJ Clinical Evidence comes exactly 40 years after the opening of St Christopher’s Hospice in London and 20 years after the establishment of the medical speciality of palliative medicine in the UK.

A copy of the complete editorial can be found at


Jane McHugh, Information Specialist
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