


thank you for the replies.

>I'm not sure why it doesn't work for you - are you sure you don't
>have fslview aliased to a longer command, 

indeed, this was the problem.  i had fslview aliased.  i changed it to:
  alias fslview   'fslview \!* &'

>> (2) Are the lookup tables listed in the 'Overlay Information
>> Dialog' stored as external files?
>Not all of them - some are in $FSLDIR/etc/luts

this explains why i could not find them.  in the end, it did not matter.

>> (3) I see that fslview uses the lut name stored in 'aux_file' in an
>> AVW .hdr field.  Might fslview look at
>> another header field for transparency?
>It could, but that would need a change to the NIFTI definition, and
>I'm not sure it makes sense to decide in general what an image's
>transparency should be - it would be more generally useful I think to
>be able to set transparency on the command line - and that is on our
>TODO list.

which is on my Wish List.  :)  well, my real wish is to be able to specify lut and transparency in 
'overlay' for n-many image volumes.

thanks again,
- bettyann