

we have been discussing this at UWE and the feeling is that if the course involves assessment and the student is asking for adjustments to assessment, then proof of impairment (and its effects on assessment) must be supplied. Where no assessment is involved, students may simply state their own access requirements but could seek advice from the Disability Team if they wished. In cases where the course organiser felt that a student was making an unreasonable request the Disability Team could act as mediators. 
Some CE courses are lengthy, being nearly 50% of a FT course, and we are discussing how a study needs assessment might be funded for disabled applicants to longer CE courses who would benefit from a needs assessment, for example, they may not be aware of developments in access technology.
At present, Faculties are expected to fund the cost of creating access.


From: Discussion list for disabled students and their support staff. on behalf of Rhun Ap Harri [rha]
Sent: Tue 12/06/2007 11:24
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: DSA and Continuing Education

Has anyone raised the question anywhere about DSA and students following continuing education type courses?

Do you have any instances of high cost provision such as English/BSL Interpreting/Study Skills/Notetaking, following such courses?

If so, did the students provide evidence and a needs assessment just like students who are eligible to apply for DSA?

Any information welcomed.

Rhun ap Harri
Swyddog Anabledd PCA/UWA Disability Officer.
Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth University of Wales.
Ystafell G7/Room G7 Cledwyn Building.
Campws Penglais Campus.
Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 3DD.
Ffôn: / Tel:01970 628537.
Ffacs: / Fax: 01970 621759.

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