


as for the when -  i was thinking either of just accumulating pieces 
scattered and linked together - or, if it were to be concentrated into a 
week of posts as with last year's Douglas Oliver symposium, then months 
ahead - so it could be riley at the end of the summer, o'sullivan in the 
autumn and so on...  but it depends what appetite there is, i'd like to 
sound it out...

Or if anyone has an idea for a poet or a particular book or a single text 
they think might be a good subject for this kind of symposium & would like 
to curate it themselves?
philosophy/theory blogs often focus on a particular essay and it gets 
written about from different angles, off the cuff, and it might be 
interesting to do that kind of thing?

also - there are two new reviews of ken edwards' selected and bird migration 
recently posted - & pieces/posts on edwards, these books, edwards as editor 
would be good... ?

anything else? any ideas?


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