

On Wed, 23 May 2007, Mark Taylor wrote:

> On Tue, 22 May 2007, Brad Cavanagh wrote:
>>  Can the .gaia-cookie written to $HOME be relocatable via some environment
>>  variable? The UIST acquisition system runs up gaia as a specific user, but
>>  the process is spawned by root. This causes $HOME to be /root, which the
>>  user doesn't have write access to (and we don't want to make it
>>  world-writable for obvious reasons). If we could have some sort of
>>  $GAIA_COOKIE (or something similar) environment variable that controlled
>>  where the .gaia-cookie file got written, that would be swell.
> How about just changing the HOME environment variable in the gaia 
> process?  I don't know whether this would have any deleterious 
> side-effects; however, probably you don't want gaia to be using
> ~ root for anything, so my guess is it would be OK.

Hi Brad,

if that works that would be the best option in this case, as the directory 
that .gaia-cookie is located in should be understood by all the possible 
applications that want to make use of it (in the case of Java accessing 
$HOME is easy, as that's a standard property, but it would be very onerous 
to find the value of other environment variables as they need to be set on 
the command-line that starts the JVM).

If that's no good then probably the best thing to do is just handle the 
condition more gracefully, after all if processes cannot write to $HOME
they aren't likely to be doing much PLASTIC messaging anyway.

BTW, how is access to $HOME/.skycat being handled, writable access to that 
is also required.

