

I'm trying to run the factorial design specification for a two-sample t-
test for PET scans. I keep getting the following error message at the 'run' 

Running "Factorial design specification"
??? Undefined function or variable 'spm_list_files'.

Error in ==> E:\spm\spm_config_factorial_design.m (run_stats)
On line 825  ==>         [j,unused] = spm_list_files(pwd,files{i});

Error in ==> E:\spm\spm_jobman.m (run_struct1)
On line 1379  ==>         feval(prog,val);

Error in ==> E:\spm\spm_jobman.m (run_struct1)
On line 1387  ==>             run_struct1(c.val{i});

Error in ==> E:\spm\spm_jobman.m (run_struct1)
On line 1387  ==>             run_struct1(c.val{i});

Error in ==> E:\spm\spm_jobman.m (run_struct)
On line 1346  ==> run_struct1(c);

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.

I've tried the different suggestions on the list (adding spm software to 
matlab path etc.) without success. I've tried changing the design just to 
see what would happen and get the same error message. 

I'd be grateful for any help

Thanks, Elisheva