

Dear brain mappers,

Many apologies for the cross posting.  As the Educational Chair of the 2007
OHBM conference, I'd like to bring attention to a unique course offered for
the first time at the June meeting.

"Clinical fMRI" is a one day course being organized by Susan Bookheimer,
UCLA, and the speakers include neuropsychologists, a neuroradiologist and a
neurosurgeon.  If you would like to attend this course, however, it requires
your immediate action... the course is a late addition to the program and
may have to be canceled if there is insufficient registration.

More information is below.  If you would like to attend, please register
today!  (Which, BTW, is also the deadline for the early registration rate).
(Going to ASNR?  You can register just for the course or a single day of

Thank you for your attention.

Chair, Education Subcommittee
Program Committee
OHBM 2007

Clinical fMRI
One day Educational Course, Sunday, June 10


All OHBM Courses:

Already registered?  See the top of the OHBM Courses page (URL above) for a
PDF and a fax number to add a course to an existing registration.

Thomas Nichols, PhD
Director, Modelling & Genetics
GlaxoSmithKline Clinical Imaging Centre

Senior Research Fellow
Oxford University FMRIB Centre