

In some ways that was a terrific idea, Pierre. I remember coming across 
the lack of the poem & thinking that it made sense (also knew it was 
due to cost), because in some ways the poem is for most readers of 
poetry, already there; we've read it, studied it perhaps, & by going to 
look it up one was perhaps lead to pay more attention than might 
otherwise be the case.

But the poem can still hit, & perhaps there are still young readers (if 
there are any readers any more) who will find that poem & suddenly find 
that poetry isn't boring as it had been the few times a poem was taught 
in highschool....
On 29-May-07, at 6:05 AM, Pierre Joris wrote:

> It's more about the problem of publishing the poem: when Jerry 
> Rothenberg & I were putting together the first vol of POEMS FOR THE 
> MILLENNIUM, we had wanted to include a section of the Waste Land. The 
> price Faber & Faber had asked for 4 pages of the work of David Jones 
> was do ridiculously above  what we could afford (like a huge chunk of 
> the budget for permissions for the whole book) that we didn't even 
> bother asking them for Eliot rights. So Jones & Eliot have tombeaux in 
> the book, but no poems. -- Pierre
Douglas Barbour
11655 - 72 Avenue NW
Edmonton  Ab  T6G 0B9
(780) 436 3320

Latest book: Continuations (with Sheila E Murphy)

Of palaeopresence. The extra
space around what is.

		Dennis Lee