

as a new continent of ceiling
dries above my head
my emotions are wheat ears
in a cornfield
teaching not writing
smog rolling in
no air to breathe
dog fattened beneath my window
for the builders' team's pleasure
at the end of the job -
'they're from the south' says a local

don't know what to believe anymore

wheat ear in a cornfield
watching Vanity Fair with English subtitles
even though it's in English
'the English accent is
too weird' says the US teacher
he says he teaches Brutish Litter-rr-cha
home from the Desert Storm to this

teachers here on pedestals
pre-Confucian logic lost
to tradition     politics their religion
the government window dressing Beijing
for games to distract the world
the head Mannequin notching up
frequent flyer points to win
the hearts and news footage of
nations like Camaroon 'China
cancels debts of 33 African countries'
maybe the Trojan Horse
is terra-cotta too

China Big Bizness (double happiness)
doing backroom deals to buy
the West's favours
while taxi drivers have Mao dolls
with nodding heads
on their dashboards

fishing for images
in the murky waters of Shanxi's Lethe
Fred whispers in my ear -
'One must imagine Sisyphus happy.'
i'm a wheat ear in a cornfield
looking for favourable
winds home
