

You were right. No glite_wmsui.conf or glite_wms.conf files existed for any of the VOs we support. Thanks in advance.

But the problem with the warnings created from Python-2.3 still exist. Can I do anything for this???

[log in to unmask] wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
On Sat, 12 May 2007, Nikolaos Vidiadakis wrote:

Good evening to all again,

After failing to work both glite-UI and the necessary software requested by
my users, I proceeded with the installation of a fresh SLC-44 x86 and tried
to setup it as glite-UI. I used the glite-TAR metapackage (I tried with
glite-UI but couldn't make it work) and now this problem occurs:

[ui01] /home/vidas/certification > glite-job-list-match testJob.jdl
/opt/gLite/glite/lib/python/ RuntimeWarning:
Python C API version mismatch for module _glite_wmsui_UcWrapper: This Python
has API version 1012, module _glite_wmsui_UcWrapper has version 1011.
  import _glite_wmsui_UcWrapper
/opt/gLite/glite/lib/python/ RuntimeWarning:
Python C API version mismatch for module _glite_wmsui_AdWrapper: This Python
has API version 1012, module _glite_wmsui_AdWrapper has version 1011.
  import _glite_wmsui_AdWrapper
/opt/gLite/glite/lib/python/ RuntimeWarning:
Python C API version mismatch for module _glite_wmsui_NsWrapper: This Python
has API version 1012, module _glite_wmsui_NsWrapper has version 1011.
  import _glite_wmsui_NsWrapper

**** Error: UI_NO_VO_CONF_INFO ****
Unable to find configuration information for VO "see"

[ui01] /home/vidas/certification >

I can create my proxy certificate properly. As I can understand, the Python
warnings come up because I use Python-2.3 instead of 2.2. But I cannot
understand why the UI_NO_VO_CONF_INFO error occurs.

Does $GLITE_LOCATION/etc/see/glite_wmsui.conf look OK?