

On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 12:00:41AM +0200, Maarten Litmaath, CERN wrote:
> > In addition, there will be problems when one sgm or prd user will
> > change/delete files written by another sgm or prd user.
> The files and directories also need to be made group-writable.

I think this has to be done for the software tag dirs under

For example after reconfiguration, I have:

[root@ce01 info]# pwd /opt/edg/var/info
[root@ce01 info]# ls -ld atlas
drwxr-xr-x    2 atlassgm001 atlassgm     4096 Feb 20 07:33 atlas
[root@ce01 info]# ls -l atlas
total 4
-rw-r--r--    1 atlassgm001 atlassgm      268 Feb 20 07:33 atlas.list

And in /opt/glite/yaim/functions/config_gip_vo_tag :

        sgmusers=`users_getspecialusers $VO sgm`
        sgmuser=`echo $sgmusers | cut -d " " -f 1`
                sgmgroup=`id -g $sgmuser`
                chown -R ${sgmuser}:${sgmgroup} $dir
                chmod -R go-w $dir

So the way it is configured by YAIM, only the SGM user mapped to
the first SGM account will be able to change/publish software tags.

Kyriakos Ginis