

Dear All,

Geological Soceity Bicentennial Conference, 10-12 September 2007,
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, opposite Westminster Abbey,
central London.

The deadline for the early registration fee is ***31st May*** (the
Thursday after the Bank Holiday): after that, registration fee goes up by 50%.
Do register at

Further information about the conference is at:

The poster session programme (as pdf) is accessible as a link from
this page.  The deadline for abstracts is ***15th June*** but obviously
it makes sense to register for the conference itself before 31st May!

Here is the text from the GeolSoc Online Newsletter, March 2007

The poster sessions for the bicentenary conference in September 2007
are now open.  Scientific poster sessions take place on the Monday and
Tuesday only.

The word limit is 500 words and you must submit it online, as directed
below, by 15 June.  There is no set format as the formatting will all
be done by us when we produce the abstract volume.

If you would like to submit an abstract for any of these poster
session themes, please visit our online regist ration and abstract
submission site via the link (as given above).

Follow the above link, fill in your contact details at the top of the
form and then either register fully or choose to only submit an
abstract for a fee of 10 pounds, ignoring the other registration options.
You will then be given a user name and password, with which you can
sign in and load up your abstract.

If you have any questions regarding this system, please feel free to
get in touch with us.

Resources theme:
* Case studies in energy resource geology
* Mineral Deposits: Ancient Systems, Modern Analogues
* Mineral Deposits: Exploration, Extraction, Environment

Environment theme:
* Investigative techniques in geophysics
* Environmental geophysics
* Current research in Hydrology
* Case Studies in Engineering Geology
* Environmental impacts and methods for assessing contaminat
ed land

* DNAPLs: a persistent groundwater challenge: The persistent
presencegof DNAPLs (dense non aqueous phase liquids) in groundwater
remains of significant concern. Research and case study posters are
invited on all DNAPL topics inclu ding fate and transport, property
assessment, site investiga tion and risk/regulatory assessment, model
simulation and so urce and plume remediation including natural

* Groundwater quality: Groundwater quality: Groundwater qualit y may
be compromised by a wide range of anthropogenic contaminants -
inorganic, organic, and pathogenic - as wel l as by
naturally-occurring variations in groundwater chemis try. Posters are
invited on research and case studies of groundwater contaminants and
groundwater quality variations, from laboratory-scale experiments to
catchment-scale monitoring and management

* Groundwater: Climate change implications: Climate change t his
century will affect the quantity, distribution and qua lity of fresh
groundwater resources.  Posters are invited that assess the scale of
climate change and human-induced impacts on groundwater and also look
ahead at adaptation and mitigation responses for groundwater-dependent
water suppl y schemes and ecosystems

* Groundwater, international development and poverty reduction : The
development of groundwater, both for safe drinking water supplies and
productive uses, is fundamental to redu cing poverty across the
developing world.  Posters are i nvited on all aspects of
hydrogeological research that are concerned with the sustainable
development and management of groundwater for international
development and poverty red uction across the poorest countries of the

* Groundwater Investigation Methods: The need for high res olution
data and improvements in analytical capabilities con tinue to push the
boundaries of hydrogeological investigatio ns and expand the tool-box
available to groundwater scient ists. Posters on hydrogeochemical
sampling and analysis and geophysical characterisation are
particularly encouraged. Author s may choose to focus on a particular
groundwater invest igation technique or show the application of a
method as part of a case study. Submissions from academia, indust ry
and regulators are all welcome

* Advances in modelling of flow and transport in the s ubsurface:
Advances in the understanding of fluid processes in heterogeneous
porous media are inevitably coupled with model development and
application.  We therefore encourage posters describing both novel
modelling techniques and new applications of existing models.  Posters
outlining any as pect of the wide spectrum that modelling encompasses
will be welcomed, including advances in conceptual, analytical, n
umerical and stochastic methods

Earth and Planetary Interiors theme:
* Structure, processes and dynamics of the Earth's deep interior
(convenor: Tine Thomas, University of Liverpool)
* The origin and significance of large earthquakes (Convenor: John McCloskey,
University of Ulster)
* Geophysics of volcanoes (Convenor: Juergen Neuberg, University of Leeds)
* Architecture and evolution of passive continental margins (Convenor:
Roger Scrutton, University of Edinburgh)

* Lithospheres through time (Convenor: Euan Nisbet, Royal Holloway)
* Subduction zone processes (Convenor: Sheila Peacock, Blacknest)
* Tectonics of the British Isles: insights from 3D visua lisation and analysis
(Convenor: Tim Pharaoh, BGS, Keyworth)
* Faulting at all scales (Convenor: Mark Allen, Durham University)
* Outcrop analogues for lithospheric processes (Convenor: Ken McCaffrey,
Durham University)
* Exhuming crystalline rocks: modelling mechanisms and mustering evidence
(Convenor: Tom Argles, Open University)
* Mid-Ocean Ridges (Convenor: Roger Searle, Durham University)

Earth System theme:
* Ocean Gateways: their Importance in Earth Evolution
* Geochemical Proxies for Environmental Change
* Geochemical Earth System indicators and climate
* The Quaternary Record
* Evolution of the Earth system

For further information, please contact Alys Johnson in the conference
office on [log in to unmask] or tel 020 7434 9944

(Edited from GeolSoc online newsletter March 07)