

Hi - this is probably because your bvecs or bvals file does not end  
in a carriage return.

Alternatively, it might be because your brain mask is not binary.


On 22 May 2007, at 18:52, Marc Dubin wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm new to TBSS and trying to compute my first set of FA's using  
> dtifit.
> I have created the necessary files (data, nodif_brain_mask, bvecs  
> and bvals)
> and dtifit runs without error, but the FA files and (L1-3, V1-3)  
> are all trivial
> (196 bytes for the FA files and 784 bytes for the V1-3 files). The  
> S0 file
> is fully computed however and is visible in fslview.
> Any suggestions on what is going wrong with dtifit or my input files
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Marc Dubin