

Quoting Peter Hill <[log in to unmask]>:

> As a Needs Assessor, when I recommend funding for Internet access, it's 
> usually £180 - £200 per year.  I know we're talking about taxpayers' 
> money here - but it seems a bit mean to split it in half!

Way back in the mists of time an exercise was conducted to see what could be 
seen as a reasonable cost for a student with special needs in accessing the 
internet; for example where they had to meet additional costs due to the additional 
time taken to read a web page or conduct research. At this time if the student had 
access to the internet it was most likely to be through a pay as you go 
arrangement and the costs were quite high.

It is for this reason that so many students were awarded costs as high as £80. 
Now with most students signing up to broadband there will be no additional costs 
as they have access 24/7. Now don't all shout at once I am not saying that a 
student should not have access to the internet paid for from the DSA I am just 
saying that, an assessor has to be very clear that access to the internet is an 
essential part of the course and that it is for this reason only that costs are to be 
met through the DSA.

I am also aware that costs have fallen dramatically over the last decade and with 
costs being as low as £8.50 per month allowing costs of £200 seems a little 
excessive. Costs when this high usually include TV access and telephone calls, 
not sure that the DSA should be used this way.

All the best

Ian Webb
Disability Adviser/Assessor