

> I have my Peak Selection pop-up set up such that the peaks are sorted by
> 'Spectrum', i.e the first column and there is a little arrow at the top
> which indicates this. Whenever I edit a cell (e.g. Merit or Details),
> the little arrow then hops along to the next column and the table is
> promptly re-sorted according to that column. This continues until the
> table is sorted by the last column and then the little arrow obviously
> can't move any further.

Seems this was only happening when the sorted column was no longer
visible, i.e. when the table was scrolled horizontally. Anyhow, this lead
me to the issue. Fixed and patched.


 Dr Tim Stevens			Email: [log in to unmask]
 Department of Biochemistry            [log in to unmask]
 University of Cambridge        Phone: +44 1223 766018 (office)
 80 Tennis Court Road	               +44 7816 338275 (mobile)
 Old Addenbrooke's Site 	       +44 1223 364613 (home)
 Cambridge  CB2 1GA	   	WWWeb:
 United Kingdom
------ +NH3CH(CH(CH3)OH)C(O)NHCH(CH(CH3)CH2CH3)C(O)NHCH(CH2CH2SCH3)CO2- -------