

Well there are no general twinning operators for a monoclinic space 
group (e.g. like P3, P4) but there are two special cases which come to mind:

* beta=90 in which case the twinning operator is something like 
(h,-k,-l) - pseudo primitive orthorhombic.
* where the monoclinic lattice lengths conspire to make your lattice 
pseudo C-centered orthorhombic, in which case the twinning operator is 
usually something like (h,k,-h-l) but not necessarily identical to that 
depending on your cell.

I've had both of these happen to me.

Best way is to run CNS or mmtbx.xtriage (the latter useful for tests 
other than twinning), both of which list the twin operators that they try.

Phil Jeffrey
Princeton, NJ

siva charan wrote:
> hello
> I have a data set to 2.4 A, which has space group of *P21 *.  From the 
> cumulative intensity distribution graph, indicates  that  data  is  
> twinned . To  run the  detwin program  in ccp4, one has to know the 
> twinning operator. Can anybody help me, how can I get the twinning 
> operator for monoclinic space group. I have checked for twin operators 
> at, but  there are no 
> twining operators for monoclinic  space group.
> regards
> siva