

Hi folks

In case you're interested, files with the extension .sfrm are probably
from a Bruker detector.

If you want to process them with Mosflm (yes, it's possible, and provided
you haven't done anything special with the kappa goniostat, it's easy) you
need to run the frames through Bruker's frm2frm converter (at least it
used to be called that) to perform the distortion correction. The best
people to contact in regard to this would be Bruker's own staff directly!

> Hi, All,
> I have image files with the format of extention .sfrm. I have to
> re-process the dataset. But HKL2000 is unavailable in my group and mosflm
> seems can not handle this format. Can you tell me:
> Which data process program can handle  .sfrm format to survive the
> re-processing of the data?
> Thanks
> YanMing

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills
Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH