

It is interesting that nearly all the discussion about Literature has been 
from the direction of its mechanics. This is quite a modern idea isn't it? - 
leading to a definition of literature as something made, used and itself using. 
There is nothing in the discussions - which I've really enjoyed by the way - 
which treats Literature as something independent of these mechanics, nothing 
that treats it as being intrinsic or as possessing its own values. The 
discussions appear to take for granted Literature's contingency. 

I suppose I agree on one level with this mechanical approach but I do think 
there is a problem when it comes to the way the particular mechanical bodies 
mentioned - publishers, critics, syllabus makers etc - insert or re-establish or 
pronounce notions of intrinsic value back into the product in order to either 
sell it or use it as cultural capital. Need to think more about this.

Tim A.     </HTML>