

Dear Judith,


Your situation is somewhat similar to mine a few years ago: two degrees, one
a BA in Celtic Studies, the other a PhD which was an edition of an Irish
romantic tale from manuscript (this involved looking in at some 60 MSS in
the end!). Having finished the PhD, I was nearly 40 and completely
unemployable. As I was considering my increasingly limited options, someone
suggested I go into archives. It was wonderful advice. I did the archives
course in Aberystwyth (2003/4) and I am now employable and very happily


The moral of the story is that it is never too late- at 30 you have masses
of time! In hindsight I think it would have been worth getting into more
debt to fund the course (although I was lucky enough to receive AHRC
funding); the Aber course can be done part time or by distance learning;
there is plenty to learn which has nothing to do with the Latin/pal & dip
side (aka the fun bit). My advice is to go for it. You will not regret it.
Good luck.


Ania Skarzynska

Assistant Archivist

Ceredigion Archives