

SGAI is pleased to be able to announce that the full-day workshop on 'Basics of Artificial Intelligence', held in Cambridge, UK last December will be repeated in London at the British Computer Society Offices near Covent Garden on July 12th 2007. This workshop will provide an overview of principal topics in artificial intelligence. It will be of value to anyone who is new to the area. It will also be of equal value to anyone who has experience of specific aspects of AI but wishes to have a broader-based understanding.


Basics of AI - Part 1 (10.00 a.m. - 1.45 p.m.)

Part 1 will concentrate on symbolic representations of AI:
* AI fundamentals

* Case-based reasoning

* Semantic web

* Agents

Basics of AI - Part 2 (2.15 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.)

Continuing the themes of Part 1, Part 2 will concentrate on data-based and numerical representations of AI. It will finish with an overview of how the techniques presented in both sessions can be used cooperatively in hybrid systems. Part 2 will, therefore, cover the following topics:

* Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

* Genetic algorithms

* Neural nets

* Hybrids

BCS London Office
First Floor
The Davidson Building,
5 Southampton Street
London, WC2E 7HA

Registration Fee
£100 for non-BCS members and £90 for BCS members. This fee includes VAT and lunch/refreshments.

Registration Form
Further information, a map and a booking form can be obtained from

Bookings can be made either by returning the form by post/fax or by telephone with a debit/credit card.