I've been anxiously awaiting replies to your question, but have seen none.  Did you get any that were not sent to the list?
Lately, it seems like there have been many replies to ACB list questions/comments that have not had posted replies.  I wonder if list members have been "replying to sender" and not including the list.  Interestingly, for the ACB list, one must "reply to all" to include the list, but on the MEDLAB list, "reply to sender" goes to the list only and "reply to all" adds the individual sender, who then gets the posting twice. 
>>> "Bertholf, Roger" <[log in to unmask]> 5/1/2007 12:34 PM >>>
List members:

I have been contacted by a pharmacist who is inquiring about the effect of hydroxocobalamin (hydroxycobalamin) on laboratory tests. She states:

"This drug has multiple lab test interactions, but I am most interested in the variable CKMB changes that may occur."

Can anyone direct me to a reference for any study of hydroxocobalamin interferences with lab tests (other than co-oximetry)?


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