

I have been asked by a GP with a patient who has CFS about the value of, 
the accuracy of, the following tests, and if they reflect what they are 
claimed to do.

I can find no peer reviewed strong evidence for the usefulness of any of 
them, and wondered if there is a colleague out there with more knowlegde 
they are able to provide about these "fringe" tests. I have informed the 
GP of my reservations/concerns, so any useful information would be 
welcomed by us both.

Coenzyme Q10
ATP levels
ADP to ATP conversion efficiency and ADP-ATP translocator
cell-free DNA
Superoxide dismutase

Looking at the cost of getting these measured, £175, I can't see these 
being done regularly under the PbR incidative tariff for Clinical 

Gary Mascall
Consultant in Clinical Biochemistry

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