

EPOP (elections, public opinion and Parties) 2007, 7-9th September
co-hosted by University of West England and the University of Bristol.

Final Call for Papers
You may never have considered presenting at this conference before - it 
has had a reputation in the past as very mainstream place...this is much 
less the case now, and this year it will be particularly gender friendly. 
It is organized by Sarah Childs and Lisa Harrison both members of the 
Women and politics group - we have a gender and politics roundtable with 
leading women frontbenchers and Prof. Linda Trimble (Univ. of Alberta). We 
would like to have a workshop roundtable also on 'studying political 
recruitment' and are keen to accept papers on any area of gender and  
electoral politics, eg voting behaviour, parties, parliaments, etc etc. We 
would also welcome papers from PhD students. We will ensure that you 
experience EPOP as a gender friendly environment!!!

The deadline for papers is 21st May 2007, plese think about coming.
Please send paper title, affilation and abstract to: 

[log in to unmask] 

Sarah and Lisa