

Jennifer Compton wrote:
> The Bridge Over The River Drina doesn't suck - but it is way too much 
> for me. It describes horrors - the same sort of horrors that happened 
> and still happen - and I know they happen, but in the book they got 
> right under my skin and I simply couldn't read on.

I wish people would quite REMINDING me of stuff.  Disgust and horror?  I 
give you Mario Vargas Llosa's *The Feast of the Goat*, a presumed 
fiction about the last days of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, the Dominican 
dictator.  Included are his grotesque pedophilia, his assassination, and 
the post-assassination revenges perpetrated by his two sons Ramfis and 
Radames.  The fact that Llosa turns Trujillo into something resembling a 
fully rounded human being makes him even more appalling than his 
political acts, which included the massacre of hundreds of Haitian refugees.


Ken Wolman

"It takes a big man to cry.  It takes a really big man to
laugh at that man."