

Stephen - my good friend (soft soaping beginning), can you do
something for me? I want to shamelessly copy your walking workshop, so
could you please send me the outline and any notes you have about it?
I'm writer in residence at a centre in Australia in October, so have
to tell 'em soon what workshops I propose. The one I was going to
propose was an editing your own work for publication workshop - from
creation to the printed page, type of thing. But it is old hat and has
been done to death - and anyone with a modicum of writing experience
and success could run it. I want something unique - so I want to steal
yours! Ha - that's how unique I'm feeling, teaching here in this
polluted hole.

The writers' centre is a perfect setting: just after the secondary
dunes near the Indian Ocean, set in a historic writer's house (old
wooden colonial style), and - given fine weather in October - it
should be an ideal creative event. Of course, I will acknowledge your
inspiration and help.

Can you do this? Will you do this for me?

Cheers -

