


He was not the only white guy in the holding cell
but surely was the oldest.
So it took no more than an hour
to receive his new baptismal name
and the Holy Spirit incarnate in an
Oscar Meyer baloney and cheese sandwich:

Pops: about as original as metastasis
and only a bit less funny.
Talking's supposed to cut fear in two
so of course he responds like an idiot,
the Big Bad Tuff Niggah, white hair
and pink fuzzy skin with "Stab me here"
marked on the invisible perforation--
another slave on the monochrome plantation
of County Corrections: "Shit, man, even my kids
don't call me 'Pops', they might call me
'The old prick' but never 'Pops' for Chrisake."

Pace Edmund Kean, dying is not at all easy
and comedy is still a raging bitch, its face the ex
who helped get him in here, who he will learn
thought it was funny that the man who banged her into two children
was in El Carcel de Monmouth County for delinquent alimony.

There is death on a late winter night, cold as law misapplied:
cold outside, cold within, an air conditioned holding cell
when it's 39 degrees outside,
and these men who scream at unseen demonic powers
curse Jesus and they're not even Orthodox Jews,
or yell "Get this baloney fuckin' sandwich the hell
out of my face you scumbags!"

At 2:15 in a not-yet dawn, he is cut to the waiting car,
release has been bought by some friends.
He is not yet institutionalized, never made it upstairs
to be gang-banged, didn't have to answer to Pops anymore,
he is the same as 20 hours before except
older, more tired, a new-made convert
to the faith of The Prince
who took advice to trust no one,
to fear everyone
for we do so for his name's sake.


Ken Wolman

"It takes a big man to cry.  It takes a really big man to
laugh at that man."