

From: Dawson,H 
Sent: 12 April 2007 07:59
To: Library Info Services
Cc: [log in to unmask]
Subject: ALISS Visit to Lincolns Inn Library May 3rd

ALISS  Visit to Lincolns Inn Library
3rd May 2.30
ALISS (Association of Librarians and Information professionals in the Social Sciences).  are pleased to announce an opportunity to visit the historic Lincolns Inn Library which is one of the Libraries of the Inns of court with a large collection of legal and parliamentary materials.

The visit will last approximately 1.5 hours. It will include a tour of the library collections; opportunity to meet the staff and learn about their daily work ; plus  

There is no charge for ALISS Members.
Non members £5

To  reserve a place please contact:

Heather Dawson
ALISS Secretary
[log in to unmask]
LSE Library
10 Portugal Street
ALISS is a new social science Librarians group see for further details.

I would Like to Attend the ALISS Visit 

Contact details:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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