

De: "Martin" <[log in to unmask]>

> To Ron Fellows
> I have deleted several of these missives in recent days, as I consider them 
> spam.
> Martin Snow
> PS wouldn't imperial scales be far more valid (homemade of course) as just 
> about everything we measure was built that way, the inaccurate post 
> revolutionary peasants metric system has only been forced on us in recent 
> years.
> No doubt I will get flamed for daring to suggest a return to common sense 
> and something divisible by 3.
so it is common nonsense elsewhere (f.i. outside the british metropole and/or ex - or actual -  colonies ) to use something divisible by 2,4,5,10,25,---- a.s.o. ??? 

the duodecimal sistem is certainly useful, or was, meaby for some peasants, too,  but as time goes by the decimal (and/or binary in computing) system seems to have won the modern battle-

 i still remember Jags cars in the 60's with an inverted polarity in all electrical systems (positive at the chassis...)... 
and still wonder why there where only in those days TV sets with a vertical line of controls on the right side of the box, probably to exclude the left handed people from their possible customers ? (the more modern TV set models now have buttons centered, generally under the potbelly) .

Pat ( from Mexico)