Probably the best, simplest, cheapest and most platform independent is Google Calendar. In fact if you wanted to you could get Google to host (now called Google Apps) and have a family front page, shared contacts lists, shared documents and spreadsheets etc etc

Or if you want to go with a real application have a look at Aladesc Family - although i doubt that does OSX

On 12/04/07, Tim Walter <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Technical advice please anyone?

I have configured over many years, a shared firewall, antivirus, spam,
email and backup system for my family and home network.

What I have never successfully organised is a calendar system that can
be shared across PCs on the network so the family can see each others
diaries, etc.
We use Outlook/Exchange at work but I really don't wish to go that route
at home.  Ideally I want (my) calendar visible online too presumably via
a web/browser client.

I have tried Sunbird for myself but not found it that great when I last
tried it...

Ideally to be able to work on XP/Vista and Mac OSX (no Linux
workstations at the present time)

Tim Walter