


The two "fragments" are covalently linked (so it is the first case), they are not actual fragments but a deletion mutant, the aim was to transfer my assignments from the original chain onto a chain where the residues were deleted. I also wanted to keep the numbering consistent between them both. 

I will try it again with the python code you gave.

However, with the two fragments, I got Copy Chain Assignments to work, I manually inputted the Residue Mapping by setting the destination for each residue. Copy assignment seemed to work fine in this instance and I got no errors and afterwards the resonances looked sensible and my Assignment Graph looked OK as well going from residue 136 to residue 169 directly i.e. 134 135 136 169 170 171 (the 50residues and 2deleted was just to help describe the situation!). So it looks like it has all worked, but if I understand correctly then it possibly hasnt. 

Would I be better to back track and repeat it with one chain and then renumber the 2nd half of the chain? Or should i be fine to carry on now it has (apparently) worked? It sounds like I may have two fragments uncovalently linked at the minute which may cause problems?



-----Original Message-----
From: CcpNmr software mailing list on behalf of Wayne Boucher
Sent: Thu 26/04/2007 4:56 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Experiments linked to Molecular Systems

Right, I think we need to go back one step first.  Does the molecule with
the two-residue gap have the two residues at either side of the gap as
"middle" residues (so are covalently connected or not covalently connected
but for some reason you want to pretend they are) or is the "top" part of
the gap really a C-terminus and the "bottom" part an N-terminus?

In the first case, the data model says that you should create one standard
molecule, so you should *not* create those two sections the way Tim wrote
in a previous email.  That should only be done in the second case.

When you add the molecule template to the molecular system, in both cases
you end up with one chain but in the first case that chain has one
(so-called) chain fragment and in the second case the chain has two chain

In the first case the molecule (template) is what is called "standard
linear" and in the second case it is not.  In API terms, there is an
attribute, molecule.isStdLinear, which is True in the first case and False
in the second.

There is another attribute, molecule.stdSeqString, which gives the
"standard sequence".  But if the molecule is not standard linear then that
standard sequence is just the empty string.  So in the first case the
standard sequence is what you would expect but in the second case it is
just the empty string.

Perhaps this standard sequence algorithm needs some souping up to cope
with these "almost standard linear" situations.

The relevance to the "copy chain assignments" dialog is that to get the
residue mapping, the standard sequence of the two chains is compared using
some sequence alignment algorithm.  This is going to fail completely for
the not standard linear case because the sequence is empty.  This explains
what you have just observed.

If your molecular system is really the first case (so the "gap" is
not really therer) then currently the Analysis graphical interface
doesn't let you change some of the seqCodes by +2 but it will let you do
the "copy assignments".  To change the seqCodes you would have to run that
bit of Python script I gave.  It should not be that difficult (but more
than five minutes) to give you a way of accomplishing the same thing via
the graphical interface.

If your molecular system is really the second case, then the Analysis
graphical interface lets you change the seqCodes, as you already tried,
but then the "copy assignments" fails because the sequence alignment fails
because of the reasons given above.  It will be less trivial to sort this
problem out than in the other case.


On Thu, 26 Apr 2007, Ben Goult wrote:

> Hi
> Sorry to keep posting but I have nearly got this to work now. I made the
> chain with the two fragments and now want to use copy chain assignments onto
> this new chain.
> However, when I select this chain as the destination chain then the residue
> mapping does not work. It does not predict any destination residues for the
> mapping. I do seem to be able to manually select the destination for each
> residue.
> If I make a 3rd chain with the identical sequence but consisting of only one
> fragment (and thus different numbering for the second half) then the Copy
> Chain Assignments works fine. Therefore it seems that perhaps the Copy Chain
> Assignments does not like fragmented chains?
> Cheers
> Ben