

Tim Stevens wrote:
>> Thanks Tim for the quick tweak. Next and previous peak feel much more
>> natural now.   Is there also a shortcut for these buttons? Going through
>> ~5000 peaks I'd like to reduce mouse movement to a minimum ;).
> You can use up/down arrow keys in tables.
> Also, if the table does not have focus then you can bind any key to a
> macro that goes to the next peak, e.g.:
> def nextLinkNoePeakMacro(argServer):
>   popup = argServer.parent.popups.get('link_noe_resonances')
>   if popup:
>     popup.nextPeak() # or .prevPeak()
Tried this and bound it to 'z'. For some reason it only works from 
outside the "Link NOE resonances" dialogue. Is there a logical reason 
for this that I can understand? from the code it should work regardless 
of where the focus is...


Dr. Christoph Brockmann	
Division of Structural Studies
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Hills Road
Cambridge, CB2 2QH
phone: +44-1223-40-2261 or +44-1223-40-2068
e-mail: [log in to unmask]